• welcome to Cup of Sugar co.

founder's promise.

see the sweeter side.

the sweet spot.


" ... "

I would purchase all of these products. Your products have a meaning to it, a story behind each item. When purchasing a product from you, I am helping a cause bigger than us - something that's going to change the world. So, why not kill two birds with one stone and buy a great product while helping the world?

Anthony Forrester

" ... "

This is such a wonderful idea in this very broken world. The idea and greater good behind these products makes it a no-brainer to spread the word and inform others about the company. I love everything about this!

Allie Walbrown

" ... "

I think the concept is great! Very cute, a fresh idea and I love that it's based around tea. I shared the idea with my daughters, who are activists with various communities, and they loved the charitable aspect. We are all a fan of the bigger picture/community connection and thought the "cup of sugar" backstory was a sweet throwback (excuse the pun).

Crystal Boutwell

sweet 2 meet u.

Thank you for stopping by our site and showing interest in our products and goals! You are appreciated far more than you know.

through our products, we hope to bring together the community and change the world all at the same time.